Mike Dunham:
Father of Lee, Mike has ridden motorbikes since the 1960's on various road and off-road motorbikes. He has gone from herding sheep and cattle across fields to competing in many Weston Beach Races, British Four Stroke Championships and has run motocross teams with many title successes for 20years. Mike now runs the LDR Adult Motocross Team competing in the British and European Championships. If there is something Mike doesn't know about a motorbike, then be assured it wasn't worth knowing in the first place.
You will see Mike if you are a new rider seeking that next level. Full of enthusiasm and confidence building fun steps that will see you smiling from ear to ear on a motorbike. Or you are a road rider seeking confidence on the motorbike through offload training.
He also has 50 years mechanic experience and is assisting in motor development at the LDR HQ. Mike a keen tractor driver will quite happily find himself keeping the facility neat and tidy on a day off.
There are not many people who have been there and done it, however we are pleased to say Mike is one of them.
'I'm over the moon to see how Lee has progressed from young rider to racer, to Champion and now is giving others the opportunity to follow in his footsteps and for me now to be at LDR is like being at home. In my lessons I teach at LDR I look for weaknesses and turn them into positives through easy step by step processes. There is no better time to learn, so why not come and join the fun'
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